There are 3 layerfiles located here that can be downloaded to get you started symbolizing the Roads feature class within the geodatabase feature dataset Features. (ArcGIS speak) The layer files can also be used to symbolize the Roads feature class from the GDB zip files and Roads shapefile from the SHP zip file by repointing to the Roads and using the SystemClass attribute. Roadsv93_082014.lyr was saved from the 10.2.1 ArcMap using Save As Layer File, Save as Type 9.3 Layer File. I did get a warning message about it failing but the layer file was created and I am able to open it in ArcMap 10.2.1 and it draws using the Symbol Levels and symbols as I expect. Roadsv10_082014.lyr was created nearly the same way only using the 10.0 option, this time with no warning. It also draws in my 10.2.1 ArcMap when I add data and just navigate to the layer file I want. Roads082014.lyr is the current 10.2.1 layer file I use. They are just my version and nothing that is an industry standard. So feel free to modify and if you'd like to share email me a copy and I'll add it with credits as appropriate. duane, August 19, 2014